templates/themesWebsite/blog_cvs/articles/list.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'themesWebsite/blog_cvs/base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}{{ page.shortTitle }}{% endblock title %}
  3. {% block description %}{{ page.shortDescription }}{% endblock description %}
  4. {% block robots %}{{ page.robots }}{% endblock robots %}
  5. {% block meta_social %}
  6.     {{ parent() }}
  7.     {% include "/themesWebsite/blog_cpn/components/socialmedia.html.twig" with { 'page':page,'social_type':'website' } %}
  8. {% endblock meta_social %}
  9. {% block body %}
  10.     <section class="bg-cover primary-bg-dark" style="background:url(assets/img/bg2.png)no-repeat; margin-top:72px;">
  11.         <div class="container">
  12.             <div class="row">
  13.                 <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12">
  14.                     <h2 class="ipt-title text-light">{{ page.title|raw }}</h2>
  15.                     {% if page.description is not null %}<span class="ipn-subtitle text-light opacity-75">{{ page.description|raw }}<</span>{% endif %}
  16.                 </div>
  17.             </div>
  18.         </div>
  19.     </section>
  20.     <section class="gray-simple">
  21.         <div class="container">
  22.             <div class="row gx-4 gy-4">
  23.                 {% for article in pagination %}
  24.                 <div class="col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-12 col-sm-12">
  25.                     <div class="jobstock-grid-blog">
  26.                         <div class="jobstock-grid-blog-thumb">
  27.                             {% if article.image.name is not null %}
  28.                                 <img class="img-fluid" src="{{ vich_uploader_asset(article, 'imageFile')|imagine_filter('articles_preview2') }}" alt="{{ article.title }}" loading="lazy" />
  29.                             {% else %}
  30.                                 <img class="img-fluid" src="/uploads/no_data.png" loading="lazy" alt="{{ article.title }}" />
  31.                             {% endif %}
  32.                         </div>
  33.                         <div class="jobstock-grid-blog-body">
  34.                             <div class="jobstock-grid-body-header">
  35.                                 <div class="jobstock-grid-posted"><span>26 Feb 2023</span></div>
  36.                                 <div class="jobstock-grid-title">
  37.                                     <h4>
  38.                                         {% if article.type == "article" %}
  39.                                             <a href="{{ path('blog_article',{'slug': article.slug}) }}">{{ article.title }}</a>
  40.                                         {% elseif article.type == "fiche" %}
  41.                                             <a href="{{ article.url }}">{{ article.title }}</a>
  42.                                         {% endif %}
  43.                                     </h4>
  44.                                 </div>
  45.                             </div>
  46.                             <div class="jobstock-grid-body-middle">
  47.                                 {% if article.subtitle is not empty %}<p>{{ article.subtitle }}</p>{% endif %}
  48.                             </div>
  49.                             <div class="jobstock-grid-body-footer">
  50.                                 {% if article.type == "article" %}<a href="{{ path('blog_article',{'slug': article.slug}) }}" class="btn btn-blog-link">Lecture</a>
  51.                                 {% elseif article.type == "fiche" %}<a href="{{ article.url }}" class="btn btn-blog-link">Lecture</a>{% endif %}
  52.                             </div>
  53.                         </div>
  54.                     </div>
  55.                 </div>
  56.                 {% endfor %}
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  58.             {{ knp_pagination_render(pagination,'components/pagination/pagination.html.twig') }}
  59.         </div>
  60.     </section>
  61.     {% if blocks is not empty %}
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  66.                 {% include "/themesWebsite/blog_cvs/components/pages/collections.html.twig" with {'block':block,'newsletter':formNewsletter,'contact':form} %}
  67.             {% elseif (block.onlyVisitor == false) and (block.visibilityUser == true)  and app.user is not null %}
  68.                 {#  CONNECTE #}
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  71.                 {#  VISITEUR + CONNECTE #}
  72.                 {% include "/themesWebsite/blog_cvs/components/pages/collections.html.twig" with {'block':block,'newsletter':formNewsletter,'contact':form} %}
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  75.             {% if is_granted("ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN") %}
  76.                 {% if (block.onlyVisitor == true) and (block.visibilityUser == false)  and app.user is null %}
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  83.                     {#  VISITEUR + CONNECTE #}
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  86.             {% endif %}
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